
What is airport management?

When we talk about airport management, we refer to all those companies that are related to the provision of services in the air transport sector, and more specifically we can focus on those that make life inside airports.


It is rather a business organization of all those air transport companies such as the airport itself, airlines, control towers, aircraft service, and maintenance companies, FBO. All those companies linked to the above act as suppliers or customers and serve to maintain or expand the service offerings currently provided.


This term of airport management has always existed, although in recent years and as a result of the technological transformation that has been implemented in these sectors. Today it has become an important source of data that is in continuous analysis and that allows for increasing airport profitability.


This is thanks to the implementation of administrative and specialized software that allows managing detailed information about flights, airlines, passengers and even concessions, contracts, calculations, and tax payments, which allows keeping the information centralized and digitized.


An excellent example of this type of software is the AIMS suite from GP Nauticals. Which has several products that by themselves efficiently solve a particular niche in the aviation industry, and can be easily integrated with the systems that any airport uses today. Also can be purchased as a whole and obtain a robust management system that collects, processes and analyzes data that are valuable when making decisions that affect the operation of the airport.


If you want to learn more about the products offered by GP Nauticals, you can do so by visiting their website where you can see in detail what they offer or contact a specialist.