
NASA Designs Hybrid-Electric Engine for Aircraft with Lower Consumption

A hybrid-electric engine is NASA’s new project. The HyTEC Project (Hybrid Thermally Efficient Core) aims to transform the aerospace industry to provide a more ecological and efficient alternative to traditional combustion engines.

What is the HyTEC Project?

The HyTEC Project is an initiative by NASA that is part of the Electrified Aircraft Propulsion (EAP) program. Its goal is to design and develop a hybrid-electric engine that combines advanced electric propulsion technologies with efficient thermal-level components. This aims to optimize the engine’s performance, reducing carbon emissions and fuel consumption.

Hybrid-Electric Engine Technology

The engine developed under the HyTEC Project integrates two key technologies:

  • Electric Propulsion: Electric motors are known for their high efficiency and ability to operate without directly emitting polluting gases.
  • Efficient Thermal Components: Thermal management systems maximize engine efficiency, reducing wasted energy and optimizing fuel use when needed.

Advantages of Electric Motors in Aviation

Whether hybrid or electric, the development of a new type of aircraft engines benefits the aviation industry:

  • Emissions Reduction: Electric motors do not emit carbon dioxide or other polluting gases, contributing to the fight against climate change.
  • Energy Efficiency: Electric motors can convert a higher proportion of energy into useful power, resulting in lower energy consumption and higher operational efficiency.
  • Lower Maintenance: Compared to internal combustion engines, electric motors have fewer moving parts, reducing costs and maintenance frequency.
  • Quiet Operation: Electric motors generate less noise than combustion engines, improving the quality of life for communities near airports.

Research and Innovation in the HyTEC Project

After three years of remarkable progress, solutions were found that allow for increased heat and pressure compared to standard jet engines while maintaining the same thrust with a smaller core. This requires more durable materials that can withstand higher temperatures.

Challenges and Future of the HyTEC Project

Like any innovative change, the development of electric motors for aircraft faces several challenges. The energy density of batteries is one of the main obstacles, as they must be lightweight and powerful enough to be viable in aeronautical applications. Additionally, charging infrastructure at airports and safety regulations must be adapted to support this new technology.

However, NASA and its partners are committed to overcoming these challenges, as the HyTEC Project focuses not only on engines but also on collaboration with the industry and regulatory authorities to enable the adoption of hybrid-electric aircraft.

NASA’s HyTEC Project represents a significant step towards sustainable aviation. By developing hybrid-electric engines that combine electric propulsion and thermal efficiency, NASA is leading the way towards a future with lower emissions and reduced fuel consumption. These efforts not only have the potential to transform the aviation industry but also will significantly contribute to the fight against climate change, demonstrating NASA’s commitment to innovation and sustainability.

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Alaska Adopts a Robot Dog to Protect Air Safety

In an effort to improve airport safety and reduce the risks of collisions between aircraft and wildlife, Fairbanks International Airport, located in Alaska, is taking a bold step into the future by introducing a new member to its team: a Boston Dynamics robot dog named “Aurora.” This airport, the second largest in the state, is constantly seeking innovative solutions to address the unique challenges presented by its environment.


A Robot Dog as a Futuristic Solution to a Persistent Problem

The Alaska Department of Transportation has announced plans to test Aurora’s effectiveness in keeping migratory birds and other wildlife away from critical areas near the runways. With a design that mimics the movements of natural predators, this robotic canine is equipped with interchangeable panels that allow it to camouflage as a coyote or a fox, providing a non-invasive yet effective solution to deter unwanted wildlife presence in high-risk areas.


Integrating Cutting-Edge Technology into Airport Security

The introduction of a robot dog at Fairbanks Airport represents an exciting advancement in the integration of technology into airport processes and routines. By leveraging state-of-the-art artificial intelligence and robotics, the airport is demonstrating its commitment to operational safety and environmental protection. Furthermore, this measure highlights the ability of technology to address complex challenges in an innovative and sustainable manner.


Looking to the Future

While the implementation of Aurora is a promising step, it also raises questions about the role of technology in the future of aviation and wildlife management in airport environments. As we continue to explore new ways to enhance safety and efficiency in the aviation industry, it is crucial to strike a balance between technological innovation and environmental preservation.

The use of technology such as Aurora in airports not only enhances operational safety but also opens up new possibilities for more efficient and environmentally respectful management. By adopting innovative solutions like this, the aviation and aeronautic industry can move towards a safer, more sustainable, and connected future.


For more news on aeronautical innovation, visit our website.

Innovation: Virtual Reality Training Simulator at the Airspace Integration Week 2023

From September 25th to 28th, Madrid was the epicenter for aviation and space navigation, alongside cutting-edge drone technology, during the international event Airspace Integration Week 2023.

ENAIRE, leading air traffic management company in Spain, showcased a range of innovative simulators and state-of-the-art displays, while actively participating in high-level conferences.

Virtual Reality Training Simulator

One of the standout achievements of this event was the unveiling of a virtual reality training simulator for air traffic controllers. This tool empowers future air traffic controllers to gain experience within a virtual environment, preparing them for the complexities that can arise in air traffic management.

The iFOCUCS display proved to be another highlight, demonstrating the capabilities of the groundbreaking air traffic control position. This state-of-the-art technology not only enhances airspace management but also symbolizes the industry’s commitment to progress and efficiency.

In addition, the ICARO Maps and Flow Tools screens, sophisticated traffic flow management tools, aim to provide real-time critical information for air traffic control, further streamlining operations and ensuring safety. This includes real-time data on flights, weather conditions, and more.

Airspace Integration Week 2023

The significance of technology and innovation in the aviation industry was the main focus during Airspace Integration Week 2023. Such advancements not only enhance safety but also redefine the learning curve, ensuring a new generation of controllers is well-prepared to navigate the evolving airspace landscape.

Furthermore, the discussions held at the event delved into key industry topics, ranging from cutting-edge air navigation systems to harnessing the potential of artificial intelligence and satellite navigation. Collectively, these advancements propel the aviation and space navigation industry forward, offering unprecedented opportunities for efficiency, safety, and sustainability. The event exemplified how technology and innovation continue to be the driving forces behind the industry’s progress, shaping the future of air travel and navigation on a global scale.

Airspace Integration Week 2023 relies on three foundational pillars: the advancement of air traffic management, the evolution of drone operations management (U-Space), and the space traffic management.

Airspace Integration Week 2023 not only was a transformative event in the realm of air and space navigation but also underscored the potential of advanced technology within the industry, setting new standards for the future.

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Aviation Festival Americas 2023: Driving Innovation in the Aeronautical Industry

The Aviation Festival Americas is a prestigious event that brings together leaders and visionaries in the aeronautical industry to discuss and showcase the latest advancements in technology, sustainability, and customer experience. This 2023 edition proved to be a landmark event for the aviation industry, and the GP Nauticals team is proud to have taken part in it.


As the most important event for the aviation industry in the Americas, the Aviation Festival Americas attracts top executives from airlines, airports, and technology providers across the region. The conference provides a platform for these leaders to share their insights, forge strategic alliances, and tackle the most pressing issues facing the aeronautical industry today.


Some of the most important topics during the event included AI and Machine Learning, Sustainability, Customer Experience and Airport Technology, as well as plenty of solutions with the goal of improving the aviation industry.


A Showcase of Innovation: GP Nauticals at the Aviation Festival Americas


At the Aviation Festival Americas, the GP Nauticals team participated and showcased their revolutionary AI and Face Recognition system designed to transform the aeronautical industry. The cutting-edge technology promises to improve airport security, streamline passenger processing, and enhance overall customer experience. By leveraging advanced algorithms, the system can quickly and accurately identify passengers, allowing for a seamless and secure boarding process.


It was also a great opportunity to present the solutions of our Suit AIMS, which include airport administration management system, digitalizing fueling services, keep record of our passengers, invoice and billing, and many more.


The team thanked the organizers and their fellow participants for making the event a resounding success. A special shoutout to Falco Systems and SpaceBot, whose collaboration with GP Nauticals is driving innovation and excellence in the aviation industry. By working together, we are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in aviation, developing groundbreaking solutions that will shape the future of air travel.


Moreover, the Aviation Festival Americas provided an ideal platform for fostering partnerships and collaborations. We had the privilege of engaging with other forward-thinking companies, exploring potential synergies, and laying the foundation for future collaborations that will drive progress in the aviation sector.


As we reflect on our experience at the Aviation Festival Americas, we are filled with gratitude and enthusiasm. This event has not only strengthened our position in the industry but also reinvigorated our commitment to pushing boundaries and delivering excellence.


Together, let us continue to drive innovation, shape the future, and propel the aviation industry to new heights.

Good news for 2023

During a new moment, where many are studying the strengths and threats of 2023, air terminals are trying to weigh the new challenges, hoping for a new era and great opportunities for the aviation sector. 

As we have discussed in previous articles, there are many projects in the air, new technologies for transportation and air traffic control. There are also new experiences for passengers, such as in-flight connectivity, the opening of new routes, and the improvement of airport infrastructure worldwide. 

At this point, we can see how airports are already preparing for funding and new work to expand and improve the structures of airport spaces at a time when challenges are at the door. 

New projects are on the way…

In the last few days we have talked about El Dorado Airport as the most punctual airport in Latin America, and today we can see that a new project has been approved for the construction of a new terminal at the airport of Cartagena, a tourist destination in the Latin country that receives countless world-class tourists year after year. 

This project will allow the expansion and modernization of the structure of the Rafael Núñez International Airport in Cartagena. Thanks to these works, the airport will be able to increase its air capacity and be prepared to receive approximately 7.5 million passengers per year. 

The authorities in charge of the project have also stated that these modernization and construction works will be completed in two and a half years. 

In this sense, tourism in Colombia is getting stronger and getting recognized on an international level.

We talk about sustainability…

From airplanes with recycled materials and paper savings to the digital world, the aviation sector is looking for new horizons in terms of sustainability and environmental friendliness.

For several years now, there has been talking about introducing an environmentally friendly fuel to minimize the damage caused by CO2 in the air. Today, new mechanisms are already being presented to achieve zero emissions by 2035. 

Not only is there talk of green fuel, but also hydrogen and ethanol to produce a friendly and safe fuel for aviation. We see that there are still some years to go, but behind all this, big companies are working to achieve the expected results.


This and other news about the maritime and aeronautical sectors are in our blog


Airport recovery in Latin America

We are starting a new year, after stumbles, pandemics, and a new adaptation, airports presented their balance sheets for 2022. For the most part, the recovery was evident, which translates into new challenges and improvements. 

In the case of Latin America, El Dorado Airport, which serves Bogota, was the most punctual airport in Latin America in 2022. 

This result was announced by Cirium, a specialist in the analysis of the aeronautical sector, which presented the annual balance of the punctuality performance of airports worldwide. 

In the case of El Dorado International Airport, it was the most punctual with 80.72%, which places it in the top 10 and as the most punctual in Latin America. 

Recovery at Tocumen Airport 

In the case of Central America, specifically at Tocumen International Airport, the annual report of airport activities was presented. 

In this report, the recovery of the airport in the year 2022 stands out, which recovered the airport traffic concerning 2021, new flight routes were opened, and also, the recovery of the structure and operation of the new Terminal 2. 

In general, it can be said that although the year just ended was a year of challenges, the return of airlines and the lifting of restrictions was positive for the recovery of the sector. 

In terms of numbers, Tocumen Airport closed 2022 with more than 15 million passengers, a little more than 6 million more than in 2021. 

This is only a small part of what happened in Latin America, but the recovery of air traffic worldwide was very satisfying for the recovery of the aviation sector after years of uncertainty and new challenges. 

But 2023 is just beginning, what will it hold for the aviation sector? 


Read more news about the aviation and maritime sectors in our blog

Green Aviation 

The aviation industry plays an important role worldwide, in principle, it is cataloged as the safest means of transportation in the world and it is also responsible for connecting infinite routes worldwide, making a long distance become a short trip. 

Since its beginnings, the aeronautical world has given a lot to talk about, but today it joins the same trend that all economic and social sectors worldwide are talking about, we are talking about “sustainability”. 

For some years now, leaders around the world have been working to minimize the polluting effects on the environment, and the aeronautical sector together with fuel developers are already working on a green mechanism to minimize the climate threat. 

By 2050, CO2 emissions are expected to have decreased by 50%. 

Change comes from within…

When we talk about sustainability, we are not only talking about new fuel formulations but also about the use of materials for the construction of environmentally friendly propellants or aircraft. 

The use of efficient materials throughout the design and assembly process of an aircraft is also a factor to take into account when considering the use of more environmentally friendly products and processes. 

Such is the case of the European continent, which has launched the Clean Sky or Clean Aviation project, which works on improving the sector with a positive impact on the ecosystem. 

Technology as a green ally… 

While technology is still new to many sectors, it is also part of the positive change for the environment. 

Biometric technology, big data, and the leap to digital have resulted not only in benefits for the passenger or the industry itself but also for the environment. 

The leap to digital has decreased the use of paper in air terminals, which means a positive impact on the regeneration of a greener world.

These are just some of the changes we see so far in the aviation sector, what will be waiting for us in 2023? We are ready for surprises. 


Robotics in the airport sector

We have already talked about how technology has become involved in everyday life. However, today we can see how robots are becoming more and more integrated into the routine, and this is how we can already see them in airports worldwide. 

To provide security, trust, and support, there are already some airports that have implemented the use of robots within the installations.

Airports in London, Japan, and the United States are just some of the terminals that already have robotic units to perform different tasks that help to streamline the development of the same. 

It is estimated that by 2028 the market for robots in airports will reach US$2,108 million, according to Research & Markets. This means that the growth of such technology will grow exponentially year after year. 

New smart strategies…

After turbulent years due to Covid-19, the airline industry was forced to look for alternatives to weather the ravages of flight groundings, massive layoffs, and financial decline. But, amid the formula for a new take-off, they found the benefits of digital transformation. 

These brought unbeatable benefits to lift the sector back on its feet. Among them were electronic vaccination ballots, the use of software for airport administrative management, facial recognition and artificial intelligence for passenger control, and more. 

That is why now, robots are joining this formula to enhance the needs of air terminals. 

Robots, a good decision? 

Some of the functions that robots fulfill in airports can be found: 

  • Strengthen security in terminals, with the ability to prevent dangerous events. 
  • Thanks to artificial intelligence they can detect prohibited or dangerous artifacts such as explosives. 
  • Manage passenger transit, boarding pass scanning, and more. 
  • Keep cleaning tasks unimpeded. 

These are just some of the tasks that are currently being taken advantage of, but, this will not stop here as the world of robotics will begin to grow exponentially and will be increasingly implemented around the world. 

Read more about the aeronautics sector in our blog.

Technological advances in air terminals

2022 is almost over, a year that was undoubtedly a great source of technological advances and a year of palpable recovery for the aeronautical sector. 

But, it was an eye-opener of the benefits that new technologies have brought to one of the main economic sectors worldwide. 

From artificial intelligence to biometric technology, these are just some of the new technology uses implemented in airports around the world, having as a first need, to improve the passenger’s experience. To make their stay in air terminals as comfortable and pleasant as possible. 

That’s why with a view to full automation, we leave you a small tour of the technological innovations that serve firsthand to improve and configure new moments in airports around the world. 

Seoul Airport…

Incheon Airport in Seoul launched the big data platform Airport Data Sandbox, which facilitates the collection of data to analyze information such as congestion in the terminal, weather, traffic, or transport forecasts. 

It also provides information on passenger flow and allows for easy allocation of personnel management to improve airport operations. Each of the aforementioned data is handled in real-time. 

Barcelona Airport… 

And speaking of biometric technology, the Vueling Barcelona-Malaga route has a biometric program that covers the passenger’s entire transit from home to the boarding terminal. 

This is AENA’s third biometric project at Barcelona airport, where through the Spanish airport holding company’s app, passengers can register for baggage check-in, optimizing waiting times and security controls. 

All of the above while complying with the security of each passenger’s data. 

Qatar Airport… 

Hamad International Airport in Qatar is one of the airports considered a worldwide efficient airport, in terms of decision-making and technological improvements for the administration of the air terminal. 

It uses the necessary technological tools not only for administration but also to ensure an optimal stay for users. That is why they are about to implement digital twin programs, to plan and visualize different scenarios based on the collection and study of data. 

These are just some of the new scenarios that are being presented in air terminals around the world, but we are undoubtedly eager to see what 2023 will bring.


Keep reading more aviation news in our blog.

Cybersecurity in the aeronautics industry

With heavy investment in development and automation, the aeronautics industry is preparing for its biggest moment. But, reaching optimal levels of digitization involves a great deal of preparation to protect and support data security. A factor that has been transcendental over the years and that today is not ignored. 

The aviation sector is going through one of its best moments, having reached pre-pandemic levels. However, with exponential growth, data vulnerability is becoming more palpable in an ecosystem where cyber-attacks are in constant view. 

This represents a challenge for aviation worldwide, the protection of passenger data and the support of the aviation structure are essential to avoid risks and threats that could put airports in trouble. 

Building a strong cyber foundation…

With the arrival of digital transformation, laying the foundations of a cybernetic structure is essential, thanks to the large amount of data handled daily at an airport. Not only financial data but also data on each of the passengers that pass through an airport every year. 

In this sense, to move the aviation industry forward with the arrival of digitalization, the cyberculture must be adapted to build sustainable systems that are prepared to cope with the impact of the transformations that are experienced from time to time in technology. 

It is not only a matter of strengthening robust foundations at a systematic level but also of creating a culture where workers are trained to avoid and minimize human error in the event of a system crash. 

Cybersecurity as a sustainable investment… 

To talk about security is not only to talk about a protection system but also to ensure the future of a sector that has been able to overcome each of the challenges it has faced throughout history. 

This is why, at a structural level, it is a safe investment, given the increase in cyber threats. In addition, it will guarantee a robust and credible system over the years. Capable of adapting to changes and guaranteeing security. 

This is a big step for the aviation sector that is growing almost daily, despite the challenges it has faced, it is still a leader in security and reliability in the transportation sector. 

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