The maritime sector and digitalization

Globally, we can already see how everything has returned to normal. There are airports and flights where the mask is no longer necessary. With this we can rescue the idea that the pandemic revolutionized the world, and technological field. 

That’s right, technology was transformed and administrative systems at all levels are now digitally managed. Many are adjusted to the needs of each organization, and although administrative software is not new, it is now more popular. 

Now, at GP Nauticals, we always talk about the advantages of automated processes at the aeronautical level, but our SUITE also adapts to maritime administration. That’s right, believe it or not, the maritime sector requires a great effort to modernize its processes. 

However, little by little, ports around the world are taking into account automated processes for logistics and administration, because human error is minimized, and delivery, waiting, and permitting times are optimized. In addition, integration is much simpler and there is less paperwork. 

Speaking of the above, the Port Services Administration-Bolivia is an example of a port that is committed to automating its processes with the Port of Arica. They now have a new management system module to consolidate line planning, full container loading and much more. 

What is the advantage of an automated process?

First of all, it allows unifying financial administration and maritime facilities. In this way, everyone involved in the processes can be aware of what is going on. 

It allows for better control of invoicing, permits, and more. Thanks to reports and analytics you can measure the port’s performance and the management performance. 

Minimizes human error, undoubtedly we have all had that vital document get lost or take a long time to print or simply have to be done again. With a digital process, the document reaches the right person at the right time. 

These are just some of the advantages of automating administrative processes and with GP Nauticals and our NAUTIC AIMS product, you will be able to manage and process data from maritime cargo, tourist, and shore operations. NAUTIC AIMS can be integrated with PAY AIMS to manage collections and invoicing. 


If you want to know more about NAUTIC AIMS, just click here.

Automatic processes and Artificial Intelligence

Nowadays, talking about Artificial Intelligence is more common than it seems. However, for many, implementing the use of Artificial Intelligence can be a challenge. 

Indeed, the use of Artificial Intelligence today is imminent. The process of automation and the new era of industrialization does not seem to stop, and the facts speak for themselves. 

For example, the airport sector makes use of artificial intelligence in aircraft, thanks to various systems that allow increasing the level of flight safety thanks to the management of an artificial vision. 

Another example of the use of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence is Check-in processes or systems to avoid long lines and crowds. Bots that answer messages are another of the many examples seen today in large airports worldwide.  

Artificial Intelligence to avoid large processes 

At the logistics level, artificial intelligence is a convenient ally for data collection, management, and security of the information provided. 

Despite the above, the application and uses of Big Data in the logistics field are still a bit precarious, because many fear the ‘security’ that the technology can provide. In addition to the high costs, new departments, and levels of difficulty that could come along the way. 

Another of the great fears about the implementation of Artificial Intelligence is based on the fact that the technology could completely supplant human capital. However, this is not feasible, since human capital is needed to help manage and optimize the various technological fields and resources. 

Undoubtedly, the implementation of artificial intelligence in the logistics field will be effective in simplifying and mitigating errors. It allows us to reduce cumbersome processes and bring them to automation, allowing us to optimize time and costs. 

A good strategy will be profitable and effective to improve processes at all levels. In the case of our SUITE, automated software allows us to carry out strategies to take a step forward to the imminent digitization that everyone talks about, but does not know how to implement. 

GP NAUTICALS and automated processes

In the case of GP NAUTICALS SUITE products, they are able to automatically manage the collection and invoicing processes at airports and seaports. Thanks to the PAY AIMS product, which manages to adapt to the company’s standards and requirements. 

In addition, thanks to AERO AIMS, airport logistics processes such as boarding gates, permits, flights, and more, will benefit from the optimization of processes. With AERO AIMS you will be able to obtain an analysis of the airport’s administrative operation. 

At the same time, it is worth mentioning that the AIMS SUITE products are integrated to achieve better control strategies and manageability of operations. 

Maritime logistics faces new challenges

At a time of revaluation and resurgence of companies, the maritime sector in the process of expansion, could also suffer a new scenario. That, undoubtedly, becomes a short to medium-term challenge for ports and shipping lanes. 

According to a report by Sea-Intelligence, it is expected that once the distribution chains are normalized, a new wave of congestion will be generated due to the number of empty containers. 

During the pandemic, new containers had to be used due to delays in supply chains worldwide. 

Now that everything’s back to normal, maritime logistics will be faced with a large number of unused containers. 

The bulletin notes that there will be at least “the presence of 3.5 million TEUs of empty containers in the transpacific alone.” 

Another place that will affect the logistics line will be the United States and Europe. Therefore, both terminals and warehouses will have to consider new strategies to avoid a new wave of congestion. 

Strategic planning and logistics… 

Supply chains are expected to normalize between mid-2022 and 2023. So leasing, shipping, and seaport companies will need to take the necessary measures to avoid havoc. 

Likewise, GP Nauticals within its SUITE offers automated services for administrative processes, not only for the aeronautical sector but also for the maritime sector. 

Such is the case of PAY AIMS, a service that allows managing invoicing processes, supply chains, and more, which allows centralizing the work and handling it more efficiently and anywhere in the world. 

It also allows the port to collect payments from shipping companies and administrative processes, leaving aside manual and tedious work. PAY AIMS can be integrated with other SUITE services, such as NAUTIC AIMS, to provide more optimal work. 


Advantages of having a good Port Community System

Most port communities are made up of multiple stakeholders, both public and private, which makes it difficult for IT to penetrate, as each institution approaches its logistics differently and resistance to change makes it an industry very fragmented.

For this reason, today we will talk about the advantages of having a good Port Community System.

  1. A good Port Community System (PSC) allows the simplification, standardization, and acceleration of the exchange of information between all the participants in the logistics chain (PCL). This results in greater efficiency in the processes and interaction between PCLs since it facilitates how all port processes are authorized, controlled, supervised, and verified.
  2. Greater processing speed for a large volume of information. We already know that every port terminal handles large amounts of data, whether it is a cargo or passenger port. Data processing and a good Port Community System are important since they facilitate real-time analysis of information. Which allows optimization of decision-making, as well as saving time and money, which favor logistics and transport chains.
  3. PCS must offer an open and neutral electronic platform that allows a secure exchange of information between the parties involved. In addition, to facilitate the automation of logistics processes. Minimize the human error of transcribing information over and over again and reduce the use of paper by having everything digitized on a single platform.
  4. Another advantage of a Port Community System is cooperation for innovation. Carrying out innovations individually does not guarantee their success. The idea is to create a joint strategy as a large virtual company and bet on innovations that influence each member of the logistics chain; In this way, the economic impact of innovation is reduced and more processes are covered.
  5. One of the most important advantages that the implementation of a good Port Community System represents is that it can be integrated with the systems that are currently used, which helps to work on resistance to change by not having to jump from one system old-fashioned to an innovative one from one day to the next.

PCS can help to address the major deficiencies that the port sector is currently showing, such as the AIMS Suite software belonging to the GP Nauticals company, which offers various platforms for the automation of air, maritime, port, and land that benefit a large number of agents in their processes without the need to make million-dollar investments.

If you want to know more details about this specialized software, you can enter the products section of our website (, where you will find more information and contact a specialist who can answer any questions that may arise.


Challenges of maritime transport in 2022

For this year, the maritime sector is expected to face great challenges and, there are currently many determining issues on the table.

In the first place, the most talked-about issue refers to the reduction of greenhouse gases. Since the maritime industry is constantly researching and developing new fuels based on methanol, hydrogen, or ammonia and that can help the sector to meet its goal to reach zero emissions by 2050.

But, a very urgent issue is the digital transformation of the maritime sector and that must cover all areas: ships, shipping companies, terminals, ports, interfaces, and everything that can interfere with the transport chain.

On this particular point, we can assess some of the challenges the industry is currently facing and how it could minimize the crisis.

Today and as a result of 2 years of the pandemic, the supply chain is at risk and has revealed a very explicit motto “No shipping, no shopping” referring to the fact that if there are no ships transporting cargo, there is no trade and as consequently there will be no consumption.

 All this is a way to draw attention to the precarious life in the sea that is not consistent with the technological alternatives already used worldwide.

Interconnection, transparency in management, and new communications technologies can mark a before and after in the industry since the implementation of new cutting-edge tools facilitates the correct planning and execution in each step of the process and also offers advantages in terms of the economic recovery of the maritime sector.

To achieve these advances, software such as the AIMS Suite belonging to the GP Nauticals company can be implemented, which through different technologies can help not only in the automation of processes with its NAUTIC AIMS product, which allows all maritime services subject to taxable calculations. In addition to helping to manage contracts, concessions, commissions, providing the opportunity to involve billing, generation of reports and analysis of results, categorized as needed and always in real-time.

This type of software can be used by itself integrating with existing platforms or in conjunction with other AIMS Suite products that offer a more complete experience such as PAY AIMS which offers the opportunity to carry out a portfolio collection with a billing platform and gateway. reliable payment system with record history and 24/7 support.

The revolution in the maritime sector is just around the corner, all the factors involved cry out for more efficient processes, taking into account that trade is a key factor in all the economies of the world, we have committed ourselves to not being an industry that lags behind the rest.

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Port modernization opportunities in Latin America and the Caribbean

The ports of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) represent a great opportunity for modernization. Since so far very few countries in the region have taken advantage of the new technological tools that allow a digital transformation to achieve more efficient ports and thus actively compete in world trade.

The implementation of advanced port systems, and interconnection offer enormous advantages that would allow them to reduce manual tasks to a minimum and thus the margin of error without the need to make million-dollar investments. In administrative and financial matters, we at GP NAUTICALS make available, mainly our NAUTIC AIMS AND PAY AIMS products, which in turn can be expanded in functionality in conjunction with any other system of our AIMS SUITE.

How does a port currently work, and what benefits would digitization bring?

The first thing we should know is that a series of private and public agents interact in a port, providing services related to port traffic. These operators create a port community and represent in itself a particular unit or company with common interests such as “maritime, land or air transport” depending on the location of the port.

Imagine that each unit or company must make separate notifications to each of the other units that make up this community, it is a cumbersome task. Or simply that they need to carry out management reports or analyzes and must collect data from each of the participating companies, it seems like an impossible mission. But so far this is the reality.

The low investment in the sector and the lack of R&I=D aimed at creating solutions focused on the industry have turned the port system into an enormous opportunity for those technology companies willing to take the first step because if we are sure of one thing, it is that the last two years have taught us that digitization, automation, and interconnection take on a different meaning in the face of a global pandemic.

One of the main ways to achieve efficiency in ports, without the need to incur a millionaire investment, is by adopting a Port Community System or as it is known by its acronym in English PCS. These platforms would allow all those involved to carry out an exchange of secure information, manage and automate logistics processes and thus optimize time and save money in the long run.

Nautic AIMS with PAY AIMS, is a participant in this initiative because it creates a space where all the operators involved in a port can generate a report on their services and/or activities in a transparent manner and in a very short time. Be evaluated, reviewed, and approved between the parts to give way to the billing and collection process, thus achieving the optimization of financial processes and the economic flow that each operator wishes for the optimal functioning of its operations and the highest profitability of its businesses.

PCS in Latin America and the Caribbean

Only a few countries in the region, such as Chile, Jamaica, Panama, and Brazil, are moving towards digital transformation with the implementation of port systems that allow interoperability, migration to the cloud, process automation, and many other services. At the moment it is known that the IDB is supporting through loans for the design and implementation of Port Community Systems solutions for Latin America and the Caribbean, especially for countries such as Argentina, Peru, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago, for which increasingly open up the possibilities of investment in the sector.

If you want to know how to manage and centralize your port and maritime services more efficiently, we recommend you visit and its component for managing payments and issuing invoices and innovating in the sector knows, products belonging to GP Nauticals that seek to convert the port industry into a collaborative, efficient and transparent community. If you want to have more details you can enter the web and fill out the form so that you can be contacted by a specialist.


Puerto Felixstowe invests in machinery

The initiative for the improvement of environmental conditions is an issue on which everyone is debating, and many organizations come together to implement the best strategies to combat pollution.

That’s why port of Felixstowe, which announced the investment of new equipment to decarbonize its operations.

The company Hutchison Ports and owners of the Port of Felixstowe have invested in: “48 battery terminal tractors and 17 electric gantry cranes with remote-controlled rubber tires (ReARTG) of zero-emissions”, according to the Container News website.

Projections with the new machinery are that 6,662 tons of CO2, and 59.38 tons of NOx can be saved annually. Says, Chris Lewis.

Additionally, Lewis also noted that “These latest acquisitions will help drive further substantial reductions in the future, and will help us achieve our goal of an additional 20% reduction over the next 5 years.”

A new infrastructure

Likewise, to carry out the machinery replacement project, Felixstowe needs an infrastructure that can support the new equipment. Therefore, “its high voltage (HV) electric power distribution network will be updated and new electrical infrastructure to support the ReARTGs and 10 charging stations for the battery-powered terminal tractors ”.

They are working to counteract the consequences that the impact of CO2 can have on the environment in a few years.

Notably, Felixstowe is located in Glasgow and is the UK’s largest port and the eighth busiest port.


For more information, read the full note at Container News.


Thailand plans to open a national shipping company

Thailand plans to open a national shipping company, to minimize dependence on foreign vessels. The announcement of this new plan was made by the Ministry of Transport of Thailand, adding that another objective is to encourage commercial exchange in Thailand.

Although it is still in the study phase, Saksayam Chidchob, Thailand’s Transport Minister, said that the Thai port authorities have already received instruction to assess the viability of a shipping line during the next month.

If feasible, the national shipping company would have three independent branches, the first for cargo movement in the Asian region, the second for cabotage, and the last for exchange with other regions worldwide.

Subsequently, once the feasibility tests have been carried out by the competent authorities, they may be presented to the cabinet during the first months of 2022.

If the procedure is positive, the creation of a national shipping company in Thailand would begin in the middle of the year.

As mentioned in previous lines, it is not only about the independence of foreign ships, but also about promoting maritime trade in Thailand.

In this way, strengthening logistics ties with the Thai Gulf and the Andaman Sea is part of the plans to expand and strengthen connections.

Read the full note at Portal Portuario.




Rolls Royce’s new marine automation portfolio

Rolls Royce presented its new marine automation portfolio called MTU NautLQ the last September 14. The new range of products is made for ship control systems and platform management for all types of ultra-modern vessels. As well as older ones, thus allowing the collection and analysis of both own and third-party data with great efficiency and reducing the risks of obsolescence.

The creation of the new Rolls Royce product portfolio is part of the Power Systems business unit that seeks to provide efficiency. Forward-looking integrated state-of-the-art automation solutions that will contribute to developing more sustainable vessels, minimizing fuel consumption and emissions of CO2.

All the products of the MTU NautLQ family have been developed with the last technologies’ software. That allows easy integration and updating, facilitating the optimal operation of the equipment, and that can be included in both commercial, naval, and recreational boats.

With this type of innovative solution, Rolls Royce seeks to integrate all vessel systems, turning them into a single intelligent global system. Offering data for predictive maintenance, and helping the crew onboard to operate with maximum efficiency, reducing the chances that some component fails.

These innovations have been developed thanks to the collaboration of Rolls Royce Power Systems and Sea machines Robotics, which will continue to work in alliance to develop cutting-edge technology that analyzes all the data of the ships and intelligently controls the information.



The first autonomous ships are ready to set sail

After many tests of autonomous navigation, the first ships without crew members are ready to set sail and begin to serve next October.

This type of autonomous vessel has been developed mainly for the transport of river, and coastal cargo and according to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) it has been working continuously since 2017 to guarantee that this type of vessel has a safe operation. Through constant evaluation of the various electronic devices that make autonomy a reality, such as in the implementation of international regulations, autonomous ships are a reality that is not only limited to their innovation since ports must also be prepared to meet this type of boat.

At the moment, the pioneering countries in this matter are China, Norway, and Japan, focusing their development on autonomous maritime surface ships (MASS), considering that an autonomous ship is a ship that can navigate without depending on human interaction. However, there are 4 types of autonomy for these boats: The first refers to those that have a crew, but their navigation system has automated processes that help in decision-making. Second, are ships that have seafarers on board, but the vessel is remotely controlled. Third, are those ships that are remotely controlled and have no crew on board. While the last type of ship is those 100% autonomous, capable of making decisions and determining actions by itself.

Whatever the degree of autonomy of these vessels, they must all be equipped to a lesser or greater extent with various technological tools such as: the internet, GPS, big data, artificial intelligence, IOT, sensors, robotics, and different software and hardware that will not only allow the navigation but its constant development.

It should be noted that this type of innovation will have a direct impact on the workforce of seafarers since although the ships will not have a crew on board, this type of development will always generate new jobs, only that they will be different, they will imply less physical strength and greater technological skills, but we will see the direction it takes as these changes become irreversible.